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Nudibranch (F. Verucosa) 
Image credit Steven Jaques
In the Summer, we rush to the water to cool off;
In the Winter, we rush to the water to warm up
    --Local Saying

New England SCUBA

New England is a great place to SCUBA dive. See links to good resources about diving New England below:

  Video: Diving New England   
What is it like to dive in New England?
I tried to capture that in this mini-documentary.

  Metrowest Dive Club   
One of the most active SCUBA clubs in New England.
A great resource for new and experienced divers.

  iDive New England   
A great website with lots of information
about diving New England

  Video: Diving White Beach   
Gopro video of a shallow winter dive

Video: Diving New England

What is it Like to Dive New England?

This video tries to convey a sense of what diving in New England is like; cold water, low vis, and great wildlife. The underwater photos in this film were taken over the course of five years by Steve Bigelow, Steven Jaques, Robert Landy, and Bobby Joe.

Watch on Youtube here:

NOTE: Video subtitles are available

Metrowest Dive Club:

MWDC Compas Logo

The Metrowest Dive Club is one of the most active SCUBA clubs in New England thanks to their "Date@8 Program". Every Saturday morning (weather permitting) year-round, a group of divers from the club shore dive somewhere in New England. The club also has monthly meetings with great presentations. Check out the MWDC website for details.

iDive New England:

iDive New England logo

iDive New England is a website that contains a vast wealth of information about diving New England. From dive site info to required New England gear to club and shop info, there is a lot of great stuff on this site. Check it out at the link below:

Video: Diving White Beach

White Beach 12/26/2021

There wasn't a ton to see by way of critters this day, but the visibility was great at 30 feet. This was a pretty shallow dive, since it was my first time filming underwater (shot on a Gopro). Max depth was 13'.