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Pink Floyd fans: perception vs. reality 
You are only coming through in waves,
    --Pink, The Wall


We all know Pink Floyd is the greatest band of all time, so here is a repository for cool Pink Floyd stuff I've found across the internet. Check out crazy synch-ups beyond the "Dark Side of Oz", and a list of what to listen to when you run out of pink floyd.

  The Synchonicity Arkive   
Your go-to hub for Pink Floyd synch-ups -- more than just the Dark Side of Oz
Also the inspiration for this website...

Run out of Floyd? Try Elder
Not quite as good, but pretty close

  Aussie Floyd   
The greatest Pink Floyd live show around
Arguably better live performers than the OG


Lore cover

Closest I've ever heard to Floyd so far as a modern band goes. From a musical standpoint, Lore and Omens have a Floyd-esque sound with long, winding compositions, great synth and guitar, etc.

Omens cover