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Underwater Glider

Fall 2023 -- Present

In the beginning of the Fall 2023 semester, I founded a research team that is investigating optimizing hydrodynamics of Autonomous Underwater Gliders (AUGs). The primary goal is to test the feasibility of a novel type of AUG with significantly better hydrodynamic efficiency than current AUGs.

CFD render of control geometry
CFD of Control Hydrofoil

CFD render of novel geometry
CFD of Novel Hydrofoil

My contributions and experience gained include:
- Designed Novel Hydrofoil for use with underwater gliders
- Conducted Ansys Fluent CFD on wings and hull.
- Designed and ran tow tank experiments for experimental validation of CFD using the testing facility at MIT Seagrant
- Designed concept for novel AUG, combining improved wings, hull, and other features for significant improvement in hydrodynamic efficiency
- Lead and coordinate software, electrical, and mechanical subteams as they develop a proof-of-concept AUG
- Python data analysis of the tow tank test data

mesh near hydrofoil

CFD studies included (among other things):
- Mesh Sensitivity Analysis for each geometry tested
- Boundary layer mesh based on y+ calculations
- Computational domain sized based on industry best practices

mesh at front of hull

To obtain starting values for velocity, Reynolds number, and get an order of magnitude sense of what to expect before starting CFD, the team built a 1:1 scale hydrodynamic test model of the AUG and measured its flight trajectory underwater. The velocity, lift, and drag data were used as jumping-off points to start our CFD and other further analysis.

Watch a video of these tests below:

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