The Waterstrider is a multi-terrain RC hovercraft capable of operating on water, pavement,
snow, ice, and other surfaces. The Waterstrider was developed by a multidisciplinary 4-person
team, the Hoverbois,over the course
of three 2-week SCRUM sprints.
CAD Render
Fabricated Hovercraft
As the Mechanical Engineering lead, I:
- Collaborated with mechanical, software, and electrical engineers via the SCRUM method - Was responsible for designing chassis, superstructure, hover system, rudder system
- CADed using Solidworks - Used Solidworks mass properties to maintain CG at center of hover system
Foam Chassis CNC Machining
Snow Test
The final version of the vehicle, designed for reliability, was sucessfully tested in several environments
including the surface of a frozen lake. For more details on the project, check out our team's website: