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Sword in the Stone Metal Puzzle

Independent Project Spring 2023

Sword in stone puzzle on table

The Sword in the Stone is a steel and aluminum puzzle inspired by the tale of how King Arthur earned the throne. To solve the puzzle, the puzzler must get the "sword" out of the "stone" with no real force.

Bottom of puzzle

Solved puzzle
Puzzle after solved

For the project, I:
- Gained hands-on experience fabricating complex parts via CNC machining from steel and aluminum on a Tormach mill
- Created Gcode with HSMworks CAM
- CADed parts and system in Solidworks
- Designed puzzle mechanism utilizing a Roller Clutch

Puzzle parts
Puzzle parts before assembly

CAM CGode CAM toolpaths
GCode and CAM Toolpaths from HSMworks

Warning: Puzzle Solution Hints Below
The sword drops into the stone under it's own weight, but cannot be withdrawn unless the puzzler manipulates the peices correctly. This is due to a one-way motion mechanism utilizing a roller clutch. The pins visible from the bottom are related to the puzzle mechanism.

Remember: the puzzle can be solved with no real force.

Still stumped? Check out the cross-sectional drawings below for more inspiration.

Cutaway drawing of puzzle

Machining drawing for puzzle part

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Sword in hand